DRE - Design Rendering Engineering

With Ricerca & Innova we are enhancing our digital ecosystem, providing it with new state-of-the-art functionalities

26 March 2025
DRE - Design Rendering Engineering

Our digital design is based on the sharing of information and the inclusion of all stakeholders in the supply chain from the very beginning of the project. That’s why we’ve invested in DRE® as an interactive tool, which creates a virtual and inclusive design table. 


With DRE®, the project is developed by managing all the requirements of the style center and the technical instances of the production chain, with the guarantee of obtaining a digital prototype or digital twin, that it represents exactly the finished product and therefore speeds up decision-making. 


The advantages of this approach are clear:


  • cost savings in prototyping, mould testing and, above all, remanufacturing
  • reduction of technical problems
  • respect of production time , respecting the time-to-market 


In the spirit of the pioneers, we are investing in this revolutionary approach to the supply chain and thanks to the call for proposals Research & Innova we intend to implement DRE® new features, new security systems and new services that will make the tool even more efficient. 

Our goal is to transform DRE® into a true cloud-based information ecosystem with a fast, secure and secure internal information sharing system.




Ongoing activities are already bringing concrete improvements to the process, including the introduction of immersive 360 Dynamic Render, HD photorealistic renderings, the hologram module, and integration between our file delivery services. STL for 3D printing, 2-factor authentication and other advanced features.

In addition, the call allowed us to start a scouting and AI research together with UNIMORE, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia to test the ability of artificial intelligence to interact with our DRE®.


For more information

Project status: in progress

Duration: 1/05/2024 - 31/10/2025

Call: RESEARCH & INNOVATION - second call for proposals

Action: 1.1.1. "Support for investment in research, development and innovation"

Financing scheme: European Regional Development Fund 2021/2027 of Regione Lombardia PR ERDF 2021-2027
Partner: ML Engraving